Monday, August 6, 2007

Houses that are near to schools

I know alot of young parents would prefer to choose a house that is near to schools. The reason for them to do so is because when their children are due for primary school registration, chances of having their children enrolled into the school will be much higher as according to our present enrollment scheme.

School is a place where children learn, play and make new friends. The activities during daytime can be more that what have mentioned here, there is no doubt that the Qi during daytime can be very positive (Yang). HOwever, this strong positive yang qi disperse very quickly when the moment the school bell strikes "Go home" time. This quick qi dispersal can result an imbalance of qi, the vibrant school has suddenly became secluded. School has become very negative (Ying) when there is no more activities, and in additional during the night time where is unlikely to have anyone around. So that's explain why people always have wild imaginations in schools.

Living close to a place where the qi can have such drastic change within a space of 24hours, will you get to enjoy good fengshui ?

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005