Sunday, July 29, 2007

Site photos taken today

Went to JB today, took some site photos that have some fengshui issues which I think they are worth mentioning here.

A curved road, luckily this curve is not very sharp. If not, the house on the left side will have discounted fengshui. Avoid choosing a house that has a road that bend inwards towards the house.

When selecting a house, ideally you should get a house that has a road that surrounds it, In this instance, choose a house that is on the right side will be a better choice.

The qi on this plot of land seems to be inferior. Next to it, is a house. This plot of land may cause some fengshui problems to the house occupants.

A house that is next built next to a freeway. See the background, there is a stretch of wall that are made of wooden planks, these walls are used to divert noises generated from the freeway.

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Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005

Fengshui Audit in Adelaide 2005